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If you have multiple Zoom accounts, you may have a UCLA account and a personal Zoom account, there is a Switch Account feature in the Zoom window, under the top-right drop-down. Requiring only a few basic tools, web conferences can happen in nearly any conference room.      

Ucla zoom download


Zoom offers /3287.txt features such as voice and video conferencing, screen sharing, and co-annotation. Through ucla zoom download system-wide license agreement, the University of California has negotiated a significant discount off the regular price of a Zoom Licensed account, which allows up to attendees ucla zoom download the host in a Zoom meeting. Webinar licenses support more than students, please refer to the UCLA Software Central site on how you can upgrade your account to a Zoom Webinar license.

Additionally, if you have previously created a Zoom meeting room ucla zoom download are later provisioned a Zoom Large meeting add-on oras long as the previous meetings have not started yet, it will utilize all the add-ons and settings capacities given that the add-on is already purchased and is active.

If this is your first time using Zoom, or have читать больше activated your UCLA Zoom account, please follow the steps below to provision a Zoom licensed account for yourself:. We recommend that you download and install the Zoom app on your devices. Zoom meetings can be scheduled in advance.

To schedule a new meeting, click on the Schedule button to set the date and time for the meeting. It is a good idea to generate a Meeting ID instead of using your Personal Meeting ID if you need to collect reports for who attended your meeting.

Keep in mind, Zoom ucla zoom download has data from past 30 days, additionally, no reports will be generated if a Zoom meeting or webinar only has one person as an attendee. Afterwards, data will страница longer be available. Scheduling a meeting allows you to get the Meeting ID number in advance to give out to participants. Meetings can also be reoccurring so you do not have to give out a new Meeting ID number or link this is useful if you want to hold Office Hours.

Meetings will require you to be present in the meeting before other participants can join. The scheduling tool also opens up your email to send out invites through Ucla zoom download or Gmail.

When students click on the link, they will ucla zoom download prompted to start the Zoom application and join the meeting. You can change your Personal Нажмите для деталей ID PMI to your phone ucla zoom download, especially if you have your own office phone number, ucla zoom download is easier for both you and the other participants to remember.

Now the meeting URL is simpler to remember. Then the area code and phone number so ucla. Ucla zoom download of these settings can also be enabled for a webinar if your account has the webinar add-on ucla zoom download, see the section below for more details about setting up a webinar using the Zoom Ucla zoom download in CCLE.

But please refer to the Campus Guidelines. If you do change settings in ucla. In other words, the changes may not be immediate, please plan accordingly. When you select the Webinar box, the host and participant videos are grayed out, however, you can continue to set the rest of the fields and it will be applied to your webinar.

Ucla zoom download information about using and running webinars can be found at the Video Webinar page in the Zoom Help Center. This a living document that is being revised to keep up with the changing nature of technology нажмите для деталей needs. If you have questions ucla zoom download concerns, or взято отсюда like to why zoom is showing connecting feedback, please click on the Need help button in the upper-right hand corner and Submit a help request.

If enabled, this will allow participants to see captions in ucla zoom download Zoom meeting room. We encourage you to turn on real-time, automated captions in your Zoom lectures as a best practice for many different types of learners.

If enabled in the Zoom meeting, participants have the ability to see captions that appear below the video window or as a searchable Transcript in a left-hand window. Students with disabilities will benefit from real-time, automated captions and recorded captions ucla zoom download the following reasons:. There are good pedagogical reasons ucla zoom download making captions in live or recorded sessions available:.

You will only need to do this once if you want live captions available in your Zoom meetings. To enable the settings:.

If you recorded your session and upload it to CCLE, подробнее на этой странице can edit the machine-generated captions instructions to edit captions in CCLE are explained below. Zoom does provide audio transcripts that are available to anyone to view if you share a direct link to your Zoom cloud recording. Ucla zoom download Zoom has finished transcribing the audio transcripts this can take a few minutes to a few hoursthey are sent over to CCLE, sometimes after the Cloud recording has been sent over to CCLE.

The audio transcript will include the speaker's name ucla zoom download the captions and transcription. You can edit the audio transcript file in CCLE, which is different from ucla zoom download machine-generated captions that Kaltura provides for you. However, ucla zoom download Zoom captions will appear as the default captions in the video player on ucla zoom download CCLE site, and sometimes having the Zoom captions will prevent you and your students from seeing the machine-generated captions that Kaltura provides for you.

If you do not need the additional Zoom caption, you can disable the Zoom audio transcripts:. Disabling the Audio transcript does not affect local recordings as the local recording will not include closed captions or a transcript. When you have uploaded media to your CCLE site, the streaming service vendor, Kaltura, читать далее automatically provide читать далее captions.

You can edit these captions in CCLE to increase the accuracy. Clicking New Meeting orange or Join blue icons will start or join a meeting in a new window. At the top of вот ссылка window, click the circle ucla zoom download, icon and you will find the Zoom Meeting ID. Ucla zoom download you launch your Zoom meeting, Main content area displays the video feed or chosen icon of whoever is currently speaking, unless Share Screen is enabled see below.

Other user feeds will be displayed at the top of ucla zoom download page. You can also view all of the participant's videos by clicking on the Gallery view button in the upper right-hand corner. If you are the host ucla zoom download the meeting, Zoom calls this the Host Control. For more information, please see Zoom's Help Center about the host and co-host ucla zoom download in Zoom meeting. Allows увидеть больше to control your own audio output. Allows controlling your video output by allowing you ucla zoom download turn your device camera on or off.

Adjust your meeting room security. Any settings changed in this button will take effect immediately. On November 16,Zoom included Suspend participant activity in the Security button, available in version 5. Selecting this will immediately suspend all participant activities, which will mute all video and audio, stop screen sharing, end-all breakout rooms, and pause recording.

If you have selected to Suspend participant activityyou will need to click on the Security button to ucla zoom download each function that was suspended. Please see Zoom's November News Update for more information. Click on the Invite button at the bottom of the Participants box to invite participants. Then click on the Email tab in the window that pops up.

Make host, the Make host ucla zoom download be revoked by the Reclaim hostlocated at the Ucla zoom download bottom right, three dots, screen shot. The Zoom chatbox can be opened by clicking on Chat.

The chatbox allows you to communicate with all participants or select specific participants to send messages to by clicking their name in the participant's list on the left. Instructors can deactivate the private chat between students.

You have the option to share your full desktop or specific windows you have open. By default, only the Host can screen share. Select Advanced Sharing Options. Under the Who can share? If zoom us/support/download want to share a video and would like the participants to hear the audio from the video, make sure the Share sound is checked on, multiple ways to do this, see screenshots, Share Screen or More When the Optimize for video clip, is turned on, a Popup will show, 'The video thumbnails are minimized to optimize full-screen video ucla zoom download screen sharing.

TIP: If you are presenting a large group, it is recommended that you change your settings so that only you can share your screen to prevent anyone from disrupting the presentation. To do this, hover over the /33148.txt of the Zoom box until the icons appear, then click on the up arrow to the right of the Share Screen button, then select Advanced Sharing Options In the window, ucla zoom download the heading Who can share?

If Annotation is enabled in your Zoom profile settingsAnnotate the screen you are sharing by clicking the Annotate icon to open the Annotate toolbar. Using Annotate, you can draw and highlight parts of the page you are sharing. You can also erase, undo, or redo annotations. When screen sharing is enabled, other participants can annotate a shared screen by clicking on the Annotate link in the meeting tool-bar.

The meeting host can prevent this by while in Share screen, click on the More button in the Zoom Meeting Controls, then click Disable Ucla zoom download for Others. It will ask you to install a Plugin the first time you do this. To move your position on the screen, click and drag on your photo. You can also drag one of the four corners in the blue box around you to resize your video.

Alternatively, you can click the three dots next to ucla zoom download slide number see below to resize your video. Here you can also remove your video from the slide with Split Video from the PowerPoint. To move ucla zoom download in your Ucla zoom download, click the right arrow. For more help, see Zoom documentation: Zoom slides as Virtual Background. So you may not need to do the following below.

Please see Enabling Live transcriptions in your Zoom meeting if you would like to enable the Zoom live automated captions. If you are sharing slides in your class using the Share screen function in Zoom, you can enable real-time, automatic captions in Microsoft Powerpoint. PowerPoint can transcribe your words as you present and display them on-screen as captions in the same language you are speaking, or as subtitles translated to another language.

You will need to have a Microsoft Office account in order to do so, ucla zoom download can follow the instruction from Microsoft Support website. Alternatively, you can turn on automatic captions in Google Slides to display the speaker's words in real-time using a Chrome browser.

However, only U. English is currently available. To present our Google Slides with automatic captions, follow the instruction in Google's Help Center. There are three methods you can use to screen share a PowerPoint presentation in a Zoom meeting.

If you have dual monitors, you can share a slide show while viewing presenter's notes in another monitor. If you have a single monitor, you can also start the slide show in a window so you have access to other meeting features while sharing your presentation. Zoom help has a complete article.



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